Coindroids Returns to DEF CON 26

We just received confirmation that Coindroids will be returning to the largest hacker conference the globe has to offer, giving the best in the world another chance to battle their way to the top of our leaderboard, or compete in our unique quests.

Although this will be the fifth appearance for Coindroids at the DEF CON conferences, we'll have just as much new to discover within our universe and around the conference center. As always, some top-notch prizes will be available to those that can control their droid to truly attain Profit & Glory.

What is Coindroids?

Coindroids is the longest running skill-based game powered by blockchain technology. Introduced back in 2014 for DEF CON 22, each year we offer challenges mixed into other events and contests, as well as our own hidden gems, which have been enjoyed by countless attendees with various skill levels. Experts are right at home with our extensive API and robust blockchain challenges, while beginners have a chance to learn from our experts to get their first wallet installed and loaded with precious coin.

Outside of the DEF CON conference, Coindroids is playable all year round at, using DEFCOIN and Litecoin. You can learn more in our Guides, Documentation, or join us on Telegram.

DEF CON 26 will be held at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas NV, taking place August 9-12, 2018.

Preparing for what challenges may await you in DC26? Check out our DEF CON 25 write-up.